Wednesday 26 January 2011

Update; Refreshers Fayre and Cupcake decorating workshop

Hey everyone,
We discussed a few things in our meeting today, the top things being...

1. NEXT WEEK - meeting will be on TUESDAY at Ella's house as we will be baking and making stuff for the Refreshers Fayre. If everyone can meet at 3.45pm at the front of Debenhams in Beechwood Shopping Centre.
From there we will go and buy our HOODIES from Sports Direct which cost £7.99 each.

2. REFRESHERS FAYRE is on Wednesday 2nd February from 11-4 at Park Campus. If anyone is free to help out on the stand, it would be most appreciated as I have to leave early and it wouldn't be very nice for Ella if she has to sit on her own all afternoon :( We will be selling the cakes we make, so this will help raise money for........

3. The Cupcake Workshop - This will most likely be on Wednesday 16th February at the Cotswold Deli from 4-6. The cost per person is £15. If everyone can bring their money for it on Tuesday then I can pay the deposit. (Any money we make at the Fayre can be used to reimburse the cost)

Hope to see everyone at the Refreshers Fayre!
Helen (& Ella) xxx

Sunday 9 January 2011


Hey everyone,
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year! Term is starting soon so we thought we just send out a quick message about the next meeting.

It will be at the Cotswold Deli on Wednesday 19th January from 4-6pm. (

As we mentioned last term, we will be designing our own society hoodies!
so for this session,f everyone could bring in
some scrap material and a needle and thread, we're going to practice a few basic stitches.

We'll also be designing our hoodies and having a discussion about anything else we'd like to add to them (like beads or iron on transfers), so if you want to bring some coloured pens and paper, that would be great too!

Hope to see everyone there! Don't forget £2.50 if you would like tea and cake!
love from
Ella and Helen